A concierge service for professional athletes and players agents.
The PerformHeure team
To find out more about the PerformHeure team
PerformHeure is the vision shared by two athletes with diverse and complementary backgrounds.
Clement dedicated 17 years to athletics, specializing in the middle distance over 800m and 1500m at the highest level. His performances led him to notable participations in the elite French championship, to national distinctions in Espoirs and to success across the Atlantic during his university career in NCAAD2 (USA).
Thanks to his experience and his entourage, Clement has developed a keen vision of high level, dreading the sacrifices necessary to access and maintain it. He shares this expertise with Naëlle, a former national level handball player during her youth, who recently became an athlete specializing in sprinting.
Our common values of surpassing oneself and performance research daily constitute the basis of our collaboration.
After a period abroad, Naëlle enriched her knowledge thanks to a Master in Communication and Digital Strategy, acquiring essential skills to develop and manage strategies dedicated to athletes. On his side, Clement consolidated his management skills during his MBA in the United States, thus completing our range of skills.
With our distinct but complementary backgrounds, we are perfectly equipped to accompany, to guide and to advise you daily in your life as a professional athlete and player agent and in achieving your goals.